A documentary that explores the work of two Chilean research centers that, through statistics and the study of the heart, anticipate phenomena and seek to predict cardiovascular diseases.
Documentary | 2021 | 15 min. | Chile | Tres Tercios, Núcleo Milenio Cardio, Núcleo Milenio Midas.
Executive Production: Silvia Díaz, Magdalena Hurtado, Rafael Merino, Simón Vargas
Executive Direction: Nicolás Fernández
Audiovisual Direction: Jeremy Hatcher
General Production: Magdalena Hurtado, Ignacia Merino
Script and Research: Isabel Reyes
Editing: Sebastián Cifuentes
Cinematography: Cristián Medina
Sound: Andre Millán
Music: Edu Svart, Max Sagal (Ícaros DS)
Project funded by ANID and Milenio Scientific Initiative